Reflections on the Texas Disaster from an Independent Insurance Agency
- Posted by Daniel Simcock
- On March 5, 2021

At Lapointe Insurance, we strive to do our part to keep you informed, protected, and safe. The Texas storm reminds us that disaster can strike anywhere. We need to be prepared!
Key Takeaways
- Prevent the preventable: Small decisions and habits can help us prevent disasters caused or exacerbated by human error.
- Prepare for the worst: To help prepare for disasters, create an emergency preparedness kit and an action plan.
- Trust your insurance agent: As your insurance agents, we’re here to help you understand your policy and, if necessary, build out your policy to ensure you getting the protection you need.
As snow descended over Texas last month, millions of people found themselves in crisis. Many were left without power, heat, and clean drinking water as temperatures plunged. Freezing pipes began to burst in people’s homes and businesses, causing water damage. Icy road conditions even contributed to a 135-car pileup in Fort Worth, TX, in which 6 people died.
Though February’s storm has passed, Texans continue to grapple with the aftermath. Damage caused by storm is estimated to cost between $195 to $295 billion. And with an estimated 750,000 insurance claims, insurance agencies are going to play an integral role in the recovery process.
As an insurance agency who deals with disasters on all scales, we recognize our role in helping communities heal and repair from devastating situations. It was not all that long ago when we helped the families of Fall River rebuild after the Notre Dame fire.
Reflecting on February’s storm, we feel compelled to share some thoughts about disaster prevention and preparation. Because, as we all know, disaster can strike anywhere at any time.
Prevent the Preventable
Of course, not all disasters begin with unprecedented storms. The truth is that many of the disasters we see as an insurance agency stem from something much smaller: human error.
This truth may sound bleak, but there is hope in it. If we take steps to prevent disasters caused by human error, if we carefully attend to our surroundings, then we can create safer lives for ourselves and for the people around us.
Disaster prevention sounds like a lofty goal. But prevention often starts with small decisions and everyday habits. Start with simple, affordable tasks. Make a habit of testing your smoke and carbon monoxide detectors in your home regularly. Check the oil and fluids in your car. Keep your eyes open for early signs of damage in your home or potential safety hazards. Small habits go a long way in staving off disaster.
Prepare for the Worst
Preventing the preventable is a smart idea, but it only gets you so far. For those unavoidable disasters that cross our path, it’s important to be prepared.
Like prevention, preparedness often starts small. Start by collecting a few resources that will be handy in times of crisis: food, water, clothing, first aid materials. Over time, you can build out these kits to include other tools and gadgets that may be helpful: flashlights, multitools, a crank radio. An emergency preparedness kit will seem less intimidating if you carefully attend to it over time.
Making an emergency kit is just the start of your preparedness plan. What will you do if your home gets destroyed or you are forced to evacuate your home? What will you do if you get into a car accident? It’s important to consider how you’ll act in such scenarios. Take some time to write your step-by-step action plans. Store these plans in an easily accessible locations – in your wallet, in your phone, and in your emergency kits.
We can’t foresee all possible disasters we may face. But even being prepared for a few crises will help you prepare and adapt to others.
We’re Here to Help!
As your insurance agent, our job is to help protect you when disaster strikes. You may only think to contact us when things go south, but we are here for you at all times. Before disaster strikes, review your policies with your insurance agent. We can help explain coverage details with you, update your policies if necessary, and ensure that you are getting the protection you want.
Here at Lapointe Insurance, we strive to do our part to keep you informed, protected, and safe. The Texas storm is a reminder that disaster can strike at any time. When it comes to protection, your insurance is just one piece of the puzzle. We all need to be vigilant so can prevent and prepare for the storms coming our way.
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